Off to Roma with Gary for my birthday

Another trip to Roma!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Off to Roma-arrivederci!

I'm done packing and getting ready. It's 5:30 am and raining. Thunderstorms and heavy winds predicted for the entire day, so I'm really hoping I get out on time. The next time I post, I'l probably be in Roma (or laid over in Philly!).

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Laundry, packing and whatnot

I'm doing laundry and packing for tomorrow. I'm trying to travel light this time: one carry-one, a computer bag, and one medium-size checked case. In addition to what I'll wear traveling, I'll have two pairs of pants and half a dozen shirts, a sport coat and tie (I have to look presentable for some venues, and this is Italy!), and the usual unmentionables. There's one other thing I like to travel with, a rubber bath mat for the shower. Europeans apparently have suction cups on their feet, because they never have bath mats in their incredibly slick showers. Having nearly killed myself more than once slip-sliding around in a European shower, I now travel with one.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Off to Roma again!

I realize that I haven't posted here for over two years, since I returned from Roma last time. Since I'm going back to Roma to do some research, I thought I'd start posting again.

If you're following me, please let comments!